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Mr. and Mrs. MJ Garcia

I'm almost sort of back. As you (most likely) know I spent the weekend in San Diego with my eight dearest girlfriends from college. I spoke in the wedding of Cori, one of my nearest and dearest from my days as a college coed. I met so many amazing people. Took way too many Instagram photos and much. I'm still exhausted - I was up for 21 hours straight on Friday and proceeded to celebrate the weekend away. Lots of wine, lots of tears, lot and lots of hugs and dancing. I promise I'll be back to blogging soon - but for now here are a few snapshops of my weekend.

My pinned curls. They looked amazing when finished.

The beautiful couple. Mr. and Mrs. MJ Garcia.
 My poem that I read during the ceremony.

One of Cori's friends shaved his chest hair into a cross. "He's just like super religious..."

Rehearsal dinner obligatory bathroom picture. The four best friends...that anyone could have...ever.

Pre ceremony vino. Such a beautiful day. 


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