LeAnn Rime's in Shape Magazine I decided to change up my work out reading. I usually stick to a steady diet of Vogue, Elle, Glamour and US Weekly. Last week I picked up an old copy of "Shape" (Ellen was on the cover) and I really enjoyed it. It was on the magazine stand at my gym and I decided I should inform myself rather than drool over $2,700 boots. This week while picking up some nailpolish at Walgreens (I saved $25 this week by DOING MY OWN NAILS!!!!) I grabbed the Shape with LeAnn Rimes on the cover. The girl is ripped, but I'm sick of hearing about her love life and blah blah blah blah blah. Also, I find it a bit impractical to start whipping out boxing moves in the middle of the gym. Embarrassing? It's obviously worked for her (and her personal trainer - look at those abs!). While I love my fashion and gossip glossies I don't see the harm in reading about doing the body good. Things I learned: eat more vitamin E - spinach, avacado. Beets are really good for you. Pilates can make your abs killer in just three weeks. Doing 30 second springs produces more growth hormone which affects your muscles...somehow....I don't remember... |