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mo money. mo problem$.

As of late money is weighing mighty on my mind. I’ve done a great job cutting out the perks I once thought were must-haves!
No More:
Weekly Manicures ($25 every 5 days)
Eyelash Extensions ($100 for the set, $30 every 14 days)
If I see something I can’t live without (and it better be on sale) I treat myself to it.
No more facials (around $80-$100)
No more Pedicures ($45)
What I’ve learned to skimp on:
Eating out: Adam and I try to do this only once a week. Usually our dinners our are less than $20 per person.
Going out with friends: is so cheap in La Crosse, really the cost of living is so low too. However, with a taxi and enough drinks to get us through the night I would say I spend about $30.
What I need to give up on:
Impulse buys. I need to save for quality pieces that I can’t live without. Like a new pair of Skinny Jeans (I usually buy expense – think $150+ - I’m long legged and jeans are classic).
Buying random knick knacks for the house at TJ Maxx – nothing is going to make this apartment feel like home and I need to face that before I blow any more money on pillow cases and shower curtains.
What I’m proud of:
My stellar find at Goodwill! I found awesome Victorian lamps, they are intricate and beautiful. Once a dowdy shade of brown I spray pained them metallic silver. They were $1 each! Lampshades were $2 each – and I felt so great about myself after! I also picked up the ugliest pink mirror that I turned into a beautiful golden relic.
What I’m spoiled by:
The fact that my dad still covers my health insurance, cellphone bill and car insurance.

I keep close tabs on what I’m spending. I check my bank app on my iPhone daily and make sure I keep up to date on my car payments (I always pay early), rent checks are always on time. I also just got my first credit card much to my father’s dismay. I don’t consider it ‘free money’, I’m not that naïve, I’m using it solely for gas and groceries – and I pay it off right away. I mean I only have a $300 credit limit (BIG SPENDER!!!!!!!). I’m trying to keep myself in check for the future – so Adam and I can buy our dream home and so that my children can go to Ivy League schools (aim high baby). 


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