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I had to reblog this. It's too amazing not to. Thanks to - brilliant!

the adventures of THAT Prada skirt...

You know the one I'm talking about. However, in case you don't here is a round up of all the fabulous places that pink-and-black striped Prada pencil skirt has been lately... Starting with the blog of one Miss Inslee the Illustrator...
Clearly she's been stalking all the street style blogs over the fashion weeks as much as I have, and there was no escaping the skirt. Sure, it might be overkill, but personally I enjoy seeing the different ways these fashionphiles have been styling it. (BTW Inslee, I think I need a print, or some stationary with the above lady. She's my favsies.) Anyway, observe the skirt in the wild:

Tommy Ton for
Tommy Ton for
Here it is on the runway, also:
So tell me now, how badly do you want it? Well, how about this TopShop version:


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