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White wine = stains

Drinking Pinot Grigio with Kaela and LJ circa the summer of 2008. Yes I had blonde hair and blunt bangs. Oh college. :)

Ever since my first sip I've loved wine. I usually have a glass nightly, and much to your concern no I do not have a drinking problem, but it's simply an indulgence as part of my daily routine. I love the taste and there is nothing like sitting down to write or read or watching television with a glass in hand (hey guys it's not tequila)! My wine habits change with the seasons, but I'm partial to Pinot Grigio or in the case that I'm eating goat cheese against my doctors order a light Reisling makes me swoon. 

Anyway there is the stigma that red wine stains your teeth. And while it does, did you know that white wine has staining power as well? 

A study from NYU found that white wine can cause teeth to become dingy. The acid from the white whine can erode teeth and leave it more vulnerable to dark colored staining. 

"The tart taste that we get out of the wine — that's actually an acidity," says Mark Wolff, a dentist at the New York University College of Dentistry."

"Usually what people mean is they alleviate thirst or remove some unpleasant coating from the mouth," Pelchat says. "And beverages that are refreshing tend to be cold, acidic and carbonated."
To help head off stains, Wolff suggests using a toothpaste with a mild whitening agent. But don't brush too hard, and don't brush immediately after that wine or juice (when tooth enamel has been weakened), he says, or you could just make the problem worse."
My dentist told me to just drink the darn drink and DO NOT sip, she was referring to diet coke, but in a sense I guess that makes sense. 
For the full article on NPR click here.


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