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Telling it like it is. Only prettier.

What NOT to do.

 Don't be a afaird. I'm the girl with the perma-smile wanting and willing to help you! 

Today is  a beautiful day. Working form home has given me in the luxury of being able to get up, shower and put my workout clothes on (sigh. so lucky). The windows are open, the sun is brilliant and there is a shockingly warm breeze fluttering the blinds. Just threw the sheets in the laundry - amen for clean sheets.

You may have noticed a new tab above: "McKerihan Media". McKerihan (also my Twitter handle @McKerihan) is my middle name and media (specifically social) is my passion. Big drumrool - I'm starting my own Social Media consulting services! This is my way of doing legitimate freelance work, but with a title.

Please click the tab and shoot me an e-mail if you have any inquiries: My website is a work in progress and while I'm good at the creative side of the business, I'm still learning the techy part (aka: html and sourecode).


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loving. all of these looks from  . the thing is, i probably have most of these pieces - very similar ones - in my closet. the wonderful thing about nasty gal is that their styling is impeccable. the hair. make up. poses. faces. accessories. it's all spot on and can give you a new outlook on the pieces you might have. boyfriend's oversize rugby shirt - throw on a rhinestone necklace - flats- and old cutoffs and you too can be a chic lady about town. white t-shirt lying around - stretch out the neck make it off the shoulder put on a cute skirt - ballerina bun - over sized watch and you're ready to disco. i love this website. i love their price point aesthetic and outlook. its carefree. fun. and young. check it out! and check out their blog:  real girls with real bad ass style. xx. this shirt is $44 on - very similar one at h&m for $5 but this one has more detail/shape.

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