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Wedding Bells!

I'm speaking at one of my dearest friend's wedding. I'm nervous and looking for the most perfect and witty prose to encapsulate their "love at first sight" relationship. I was there the day they met, the second they met actually, sitting on a lawn chair next to Cori at out apartment complex pool. MJ walked up with a rambunctious set of tattooed friends. I grew up in the Mid-west, my first instinct was to ask, "Did that hurt?", I later learned MJ hates this question. Duh, of course it hurt. I don't remember how one day at the pool turned into a lifetime, but I'm so glad it did. He's so good to her, he loves her so much, and I've never seen my beautiful friend so happy. A love like this is extraordinarily, and I have romance on my brain. I've logged many an hour looking for the perfect thing to say, if you have any suggestions I would love an e-mail.

Oh and they are super good looking...

This is one of the favorite quotes from the movie "Two Days in Paris":

And even if this person bugs you sixty percent of the time, well you still can’t live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses."


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