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waakka waakkaa ASU!

To start this post off I would like to say how proud I am of Arizona State Universty!

The Wall Street Journal rated the top 25 colleges with the best recruits. ASU was number FIVE on the list! Kick the ass of UW-Madison (suck on that when we beat you on Saturday - GO SUN DEVILS!!!), Cornell, and BYU just to name a few.

I've never been embarrassed to be an ASU graduate. I take such pride in going to a school with so much promise and heart. It wasn't just a party school and often found my friends from other Universities thinking their course load must have been SO MUCH harder than mine. No...your school does not have the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, one of the best nursing programs in the country, or a business school that takes a nearly perfect GPA to get into. Nor did your school have a student body voted best looking by playboy. Yes---it's where the beautiful people went to rock out and study hard. The library was packed at all hours, don't get me wrong some kids went there to bust lines and peddle out mommy and daddy's money - has a pretty good look at the slutty side of Scottsdale.

I love my school and will always be a SunDevil!! They taught us well and sent us on our way with guidence and the tools to make a life out of some spectacular tools.

I have weird drams. I don't even think there is a way to describe how haunting and realistic they are. I will wake up in the morning in a shock wave of panic thinking...well retarded things. It's wild the places your mind can take you when you're not in control of your thoughts.

Over the past year, since graduating from Arizona State University I have dreams that I never passed my last class, that I failed my final paper, or that I skipped out on taking an essential class and fooled my parents and the companies I've worked for into believing my forged diploma. I wake up in a panic thinking how could this be true, how did I end up here? Thankfully I have that fateful piece of paper that seals my fate as an academic success. Woo Hoo finished in four years and am now working a big-girl job (which is hard as hell and kind of amazing at the same time). I get to help people on a daily basis, show them how their business can thrive, and consult them on ways to make the market aware of their presence. I'm coming to realize that as each day goes by - nightmares aren't real - but dreams are. I had big dreams of being a professional of making a big change in the world - or choosing a career path that meant something to me. While I've got to choose my given path, I also get to help small business owners choose to be chosen. Life is about choices: where to get your nails, hair, or spray tan done. Where to pick up groceries or if you can't cook where to order in from. What television show to watch, what dealership to buy your first car at, what realtor to use, what doctor to trust with your child's health. I get to help people be those choices - it feels good...really good.


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