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cheers to the good ones!

Service is everything. Especially when you can go from one store to another on the same block and find the exact same bracelet, watch, purse or pair of shoes...etc...

In La Crosse there are about seven different jewelry stores within a 5 block radius (if not smaller). They all advertise engagement rings, how great their service is, and the expertise that their employees have in fine jewelry or helping you find the perfect ring.

They can boast about service all they want, but I know which store I'll continue to go back to. I recently had links taken out of my new watch. I've never had any other jewelry store touch my (nice) watches except for the one my aunt and uncle own in Whitefish Bay. Well, I am three hours away and had little choice if I wanted to wear my new piece of ice, so I stopped into a store that I know my company works with.

They were polite and the owner was very down to earth - he said the type of watch I had was really difficult to size-down and apologized profusely for asking me to come back later in the day to pick it up. I came back - and it still needed adjusting and after a few attempts he finally got the size perfect. He didn't get frustrated and I felt welcome enough to browse the store. Even though the talkative (and very young) salesman behind the counter tried to get me to try on diamond necklaces and a flawless $27,000 engagement ring (he even boasted about their layaway plan - that's Adam's job!!!).

What stuck me most was the call I got today:
 "This is Molly.."
"Hi Molly, this is ____ with ____ Jewelers! Just wanted to check in on the watch of yours and see if it was still fitting to your satisfaction and if there was anything else we can do for you?"
"Oh's still great! You guys did an amazing job!"
"Sounds good Molly! Thanks for trusting us with it and I'm glad to hear you were satisfied! Have a good rest of your day!"

...Now it might just be a sales ploy. But after working in a jewelry store for a few summers - I never encountered a call like this. I spent $10 on a watch sizing and they called me to make sure I was satisfied. I maybe can see the point if I was a big spender. But the next time I lose the backing to my diamond on the way to get a manicure over my lunch break (um yes...this happened last week...). I will definitely be going to a jewelry store that I trust - and one I respect.

It's the little things in life that add up. Getting a phone call to say thank you, a satisfied client that loves the possiblity of what you might be able to do for their business, or the man at the auto repair shop filing up your Saab with brand new fluids because your breaks were squeaky, your wheels were whistling and you were low on coolant.

There are good people out there (and yes there are mean people, but they don't deserve time nor energy). So cheers to the world still being a good place and karma coming full circle, and having no bad days!


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