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know this.

Personal branding will get you EVERYWHERE. Know who you are. Know you know who you are. and know you know what you're doing.

I’ll state the obvious:


1. Hardworking
2. Determined
3. Well spoken
4. Well dressed (it’s true)
5. Intelligent
6. Capable
7. Empathetic
8. Driven
9. In LOVE with social Media
10. A Natural born problem solver.
11. Hyper-organized
12. Ambitious

While those might be great, these actually matter:
13. If I can’t do, I want to learn, and am easy to teach.
14. If you sell me on it…and I love it…I will sell it…and THEY will come
15. I believe in getting what you give. If you don’t put in the hard work, you won’t see the pay off.
16. I work hard and play hard. What is the fun in life if you can’t do your job with a smile?
17. I’m hungry for success. I want to do things. BIG THINGS.
18. I will take risks. Legal risks. I try to avoid law enforcement at all costs-they give me anxiety.
19. Blackberry, iPod, iPhone, Mac, PC, Office, Word, PPT, Excel. I grew up in the age of technology I’m the at this stuff.
20. I can write. Read. And do arithmetic.
21. I’m friendly, social, and I like to talk a lot—definition of a people person. I love hearing what others have to say—even if I have an opinion that differs, and I’m not afraid to voice it.
22. I fully immerse myself into everything I do.
23. I don’t lie, cheat or steal.
24. I will tell you if you’re having a bad hair day, or your outfit is whack. (yes, those pants make you look fat...)
25. I’m simply me. There is no front. What you see is what you get. Though I’m not as dumb as I look.
26. I love the internet: Twitter, Blogger, Facebook. I am addicted to checking blogs: fashion, tech, social media, literature…you know it it’s on my blog roll.
27. If you need to know UP TO DATE (like we’re talking up to the minute/second) celebrity gossip…I know it all, and I’m not embarrassed.


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