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{in my prayers} newtown.

I didn't plan on posting today. Only because my heart is heavy and the only word I keep saying over and over in my head is, why? I hopped on Twitter early to morning to see tweets about a school shooting, so I did what any curious person would do next, and checked CNN. I was horrified, mortified, and deeply saddened by one man's act of pure evil that took place in CT. Today heaven gained 26 angels, 20 of them far to young. If we can't even feel safe sending our young children to elementary school, where can we feel safe? As a child school was safe haven. Teachers cared, friends to play with, and books, and toys, and so much learning! seems like machine guns and evil intentions are taking over the school system, it breaks my heart. Education is a beautiful thing, we are so blessed to live in a nation that believes in helping us thrive and pursue our dreams. Why anyone would want to harm a child, in their classroom, is unimaginable to me. My heart broke into a million little pieces when I heard the news, when I heard a child's voice on the radio recounting the events he saw, and to think of the parents and family members of those who lost someone - just makes me feel so void of  hopefulness  In this time of holiday cheer, they are suffering, suffering more than most of us will know in this lifetime. I'll be praying for those families tonight, and I ask that you do to.

{I know this post is a little off topic. But I couldn't help share how horrified I am by this, and how I blessed I feel to have never endured an even like this in my 26 years on this earth.}

Newtown and Sandy Hook Elementary - I'm thinking about you!



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