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{nightly} routine

Working in the beauty industry has made me make sure I'm putting my best face forward. I now take more pride in my skin than ever before, knowing that it's one of my biggest selling tools. Humble brag: clients often asked how I have such a nice complexion or what am I personally using. So, I thought I would share some of my favorite picks with you! I know that none of these products are really 'wallet friendly' - another perk of my job! My boss gave me a Clarisonic Pro for Christmas, and I don't know how I ever lived without it. I've started using a MicroDerm wash to really scrub out my blackheads, and then I apply a recovery serum to help put moisture back into my skin, so I avoid breakouts. I love the Peter Thomas Roth Ultimate Creme in a Tube for the winter, and a couple of times a week I'll use the Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Night to ward of fine lines! These products are definitely worth a try! If you would like to order something give me a call at About Face 507.292.0922 - xo


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