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{interview} Calley Dawson of The Cult of Style

I've met some amazing gals through blogging and Calley of The Cult of Style is up on top. She designs at Free People, she is STUNNING, and has a sick sense of style.

Visit all her pages here:

MMD: Name, Age, Job, Blog 

CD: calley dawson, i'll be 29 for the 4th time on 11/4, FP One Designer at Free People, The Cult of Style

MMD: happy early birthday and can i come with you to work for the day? P.S. Calley e-mailed me back while she was out of the INDIA for work.  {i'm jealous}

MMD: One quirky fact about you?

CD:  i can touch my tongue to my nose

now even more jealous. great party trick! 

What inspired you to start The Cult of Style?  

Earlier this year I was doing trend forecasting for Pac Sun and my co-worker suggested i start and blog and here i am 9 months later! i owe her my new found happiness!

we owe her too! we love your blog! 

Your blog is full of beautiful bohemian inspiration. What is your go to uniform when your closet overwhelms you? 

I love free spirited inspiration but I would say my personal style is much more gypsy rocker/stardust punk.  My go to outfit right now is black waxed jeans, loose over sized vintage inspired Obey T-shirt with a neon coral bra, my blood red JC wedge sneakers and my black Alexander Wang Rockie bag.

so what i heard you say is that i can borrow your a wang bag. right? 

What is on your wish list for this Fall and what are you planning on adding to your wardrobe?

 It definitely includes more wedge sneakers! They have been my obsession for a good solid 10 months now so i figure i can at least 4-6 more months out of them! i am also randomly on the hunt for the most perfect gold bangle to sit at the top of my forearm.  i figure I will find something in Hong Kong when i am there this week.

AND she gets to go to Hong Kong too! 

Any beauty must-haves? 

i am pretty simple with beauty- mascara and blush BUT hair is very important to me and I love having an asymmetrical cut with one side really short - it's so easy to run a hair dryer over it in 3 minutes and be out the door!

In favor of the hidden wedge sneaker or think it will be done by December?

 see previous comments - I am obsessed! I will be rocking them through nest spring unless something comes along and rocks my world sooner

i just bought my first pair {it was totally after reading your comments} 

Describe your style in 5 words or less! 

edgy tomboy w/ a fem twist 

Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds?

 ummm, definitely Ryan Gosling in Driver...yes please!


Favorite look from NYFW? 

I went cray cray for Mara Hoffman's show, as usual, and as far as personal style, Poppy Delevigne always looks stunning. 


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