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I've never:

Eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Had a piece of tuna
Been on a motorcycle
Touched a live fish
Been to Europe
Told someone "I love you" when I didn't mean it
Punched a girl
Egged a car
Gotten a tattoo
Broken a bone
Gotten stitches via an accident (only for wisdom teeth)
Lost a finer or toenail
Given up on love even when it seems impossible
Been able to speak a foreign language - sign language was the only thing that resonated with me
Bought anything via an infomercial or via QVC, HSN


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Zo chic.

shop nasty.

loving. all of these looks from  . the thing is, i probably have most of these pieces - very similar ones - in my closet. the wonderful thing about nasty gal is that their styling is impeccable. the hair. make up. poses. faces. accessories. it's all spot on and can give you a new outlook on the pieces you might have. boyfriend's oversize rugby shirt - throw on a rhinestone necklace - flats- and old cutoffs and you too can be a chic lady about town. white t-shirt lying around - stretch out the neck make it off the shoulder put on a cute skirt - ballerina bun - over sized watch and you're ready to disco. i love this website. i love their price point aesthetic and outlook. its carefree. fun. and young. check it out! and check out their blog:  real girls with real bad ass style. xx. this shirt is $44 on - very similar one at h&m for $5 but this one has more detail/shape.

shop it nasty.

Today's current obsession is a silk printed dress.  Buy it here!