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{arty ring giveaway}

The winner of the ring will receive a gold and black or coral ring (as shown above in the pictures) no exceptions or exchanges as each ring is handmade. Rings are only available in sizes 5-10.

Modtoast is one of my favorite corners of the internet. Terri helps rescue animals and funds from her store go to caring for them - she's amazing! I own the coral arty ring above and am lusting after the black! My other picks from the store:

Spike Cuff Bracelet Armor with Crystals Gold
This Spike Cuff Bracelet for only $12! 
Statement Collar Choker Gold Tribal Chunky Armor
This Stunning Gold Collar for $25!



Natalie Pinto said…
GREAT giveaway! I LOVE the cause & I am going to buy that spike bracelet right nowwwww :)

Monica said…
Dying over the ring!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Wish me luck !

xox M
Cheryl said…
The gold necklace is gorgeous! Great cause.
Entered! I've always wanted one of those rings. Love how cute they are! :)
Thank you for sharing, entered! I'm going to share this on my facebookk wall and page!

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